What if you want an option that supports managed WordPress hosting and other PHP-based applications for your websites? Also, while giving you a choice to select your preferred cloud hosting provider? This is where Cloudways comes in. This article shall elaborate on why you should use Cloudways to manage websites on Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Linode, Vultr, and AWS. Note that you can always choose a separate infrastructure without Cloudways to save costs. But, unless you have the necessary technical expertise and want to save costs, platforms like Cloudways should come to the rescue.

Get a Choice of Multiple Cloud Hosting Providers

You do not get to choose the hosting infrastructure with most managed web hosting providers. But, Cloudways gives you the ability to select your preferred cloud platform. The available options include:

Google Cloud PlatformDigital OceanLinodeVultrAWS

This ensures that there is something for every customer. If you have high-end requirements, you can opt for AWS and Google Cloud or go with affordable options like Digital Ocean, Linode, and Vultr. Every cloud hosting provider mentioned excels in one way or the other. For instance, Vultr servers offer one of the fastest platforms with their high-frequency servers, while Linode and Digital Ocean could prove to be more reliable. In addition to the variety of options, these are easily scalable through Cloudways if needed. So, not just limited to pricing, but with choosing a cloud hosting infrastructure, you also get the chance to try out different providers quickly. And, finally, pick the one that suits your hosting needs.

Ease of Use with Advanced Controls

Cloudways offers an easy-to-use user interface that also gives you advanced controls at the same time. No matter whether you want to manage the server, the application, monitor stats, apply upgrades, manage services, install SSL, or anything else- it is all a few clicks away. And, I have been using their services for a long time now without any fail. So, it is impressive for Cloudways to make complex options available with a click of a button for their customers. Overall, the user experience focuses on simplicity and control.

Performance Optimization

The backend stack (or the place where your server/application resides) is entirely managed by Cloudways to provide you with a reliable and fast experience. Whether you opt for WooCommerce hosting, a simple WordPress blog, or anything else, the server is fine-tuned out-of-the-box. That being said, Cloudways does not take away the control from you. If you want, you can still configure a few things to optimize your website’s performance. You might want to use some website performance monitoring tools to know more about it.

Collaboration Features

If you have a business with multiple team members, you can easily add them and give them the necessary permissions to handle the server, billing, and so on. You can also create projects to manage multiple websites and easily organize the team members within them. In addition to these, you get SFTP and SSH access for remote connections; these credentials can be helpful for any of your members to upload/delete/manage files as required.

Support for Multiple Applications

Unlike some other platforms, Cloudways is not only on WordPress (and WooCommerce) but also on other PHP-based web applications. This makes it an ideal managed hosting solution for a variety of users. For instance, it supports Magento and Laravel. So, you can easily use Cloudways to build an e-commerce site or build any other solution based on Laravel. Not just limited to that, you also get the ability to install a custom PHP-based application. As you can notice in the screenshot above, Drupal, Moodle, Typo3, and Kontent are some PHP-based applications that you can install in Cloudways. They also offer installation guides to help you set it up yourself.

Server Cloning and Staging Area

With Cloudways, you can create multiple servers and organize several applications within them. So, the possibility of scaling up for your business is enormous. And, to make all that easy, Cloudways lets you quickly clone any server you already have. You do not need to move the data from a server on Cloudways; it takes a single click to copy it to a new server you intend to create. In this way, you can seamlessly switch between cloud hosting providers if you do not like one of them. Also, the feature to clone your server and add a staging area for websites should help you set up a test environment before you make any changes to your production server.

Easy Back Up and Restore

When it comes to managing websites, backing up and restoring is crucial, and Cloudways handles that very well. By default, backups are generated every day and have a retention period of a week before the new versions override them. And, it is easy to restore them; a simple click should do the job. The backup files are stored off-site. So, they do not take up your server resources. Furthermore, you get to tweak the backup frequency and the retention period as per the available options (and your preferences). You can also save the backups to your server as local backups if you want.

Hassle-Free Migrations

Cloudways offers one free migration for every customer and lets you opt for its migration add-on if you need more help to move multiple websites into Cloudways. You also get the option to use their custom migrator plugin for WordPress websites. So, even if you have used up one free migration, you can seamlessly transfer to other websites without paying an extra fee.

Exceptional Support

While they already handle the back-end for you, they also provide 24×7 support options. You should expect quick response times for your queries, whether it is about billing or technical help. For advanced support, you can also opt for premium options where the technical staff will troubleshoot your issues no matter how complex the problem is and make it a priority to resolve them. You can also expect proactive monitoring and a dedicated agent assigned for your websites with premium support. In this way, you do not have to hire a third-party agency or a developer to manage your websites; you can rely on Cloudways for that.

Excellent Documentation

For the most part, you do not have to take the help of their support staff. Cloudways offers extensive documentation of its services and features (along with some extras). You should quickly get most of your answers if you look around the help resources available.

Cloudways is a Versatile Managed Hosting Option 👍

Cloudways, as a managed cloud hosting solution, caters to the needs of various customers. Whether you want a high-performance server or a mid-range affordable hosting platform, you get multiple options. Not just giving you the flexibility with your budget, you also get the opportunity to have websites running custom PHP software, among other benefits. So, if you want a managed hosting provider that checks almost all the boxes for an ideal managed hosting while giving you headroom for more, Cloudways can be a great pick. Learn more about Cloud Hosting Platforms.

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